The Color Amethyst


Amethyst Colored Crystals Bring You Creativity, Perception, Self Knowledge, and Insight

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Amethyst - crystals of CreativityAmethyst is the red-violet ray that connects both time and color. It leads from the old year to the new and connects the red end of the visible spectrum to the violet at the other end of our perception.


spirit crystalThis potent, powerful color brings things together, wraps them around, and solidifies them.

It connects beginnings to ends, joins life to new life, and makes the great circle of life complete once again. It captures the dying rays of the sun, and sends the message that winter is arriving.

In this way, amethyst is the color of creativity. As the world begins to cycle through a time of renewal once again, creating the means for the rapid growth of the new spring, we too prepare for new creations by allowing a quiet time of reflection and insight.

amethystThis color ray, amethyst, the color of the gemstone of the same name, is the color of natural birthstones of those born as the old year wanes and the new is about to arrive at the winter solstice (November 21–December 20).

The color ray amethyst combines the fiery passion of the red ray tempered with the intuition of the violet ray. In doing so, it helps us see with both our emotions and our logic.

Can there be any more potent combination than imagination and passion? This combination makes amethyst the color ray of vision, insight, and self-knowledge.

Need Crystal Color
Vision Amethyst Crystal
Artistic Inspiration Amethyst Crystal
Creativity Amethyst Crystal
Find Hidden Knowledge Amethyst Crystal
Inventiveness Amethyst Crystal
Originality Amethyst Crystal
Poetry Amethyst Crystal
Stimulate imagery Amethyst Crystal
Subtlety Amethyst Crystal
Visualization Amethyst Crystal
Dispel Illusions Amethyst Crystal

Fire EnergyAmethyst rays are particularly helpful in artistic endeavors in which new, original results need to be created using the tools and methods of previous times.

Amethyst-colored crystals include the Artist’s Stone, the Composer’s Stone, the Inventor’s Stone, the Poet’s Stone, and the Painter’s Stone.

They bring the natural power of creativity to us. They help us visualize, create, and invent. They stimulate our creativity.

Because they reflect the color rays that connect the old and the new, in darker shades amethyst crystals give us the deep vision needed to see the future.

When you need to know what lies ahead, when the need is great, use deep amethyst ray crystals to find your way into a difficult future. They give us powerful insight and enhance our perception of the potential effects of our decisions.

Need Crystal Color
Clear Sight Dark Amethyst Crystal
Discernment Dark Amethyst Crystal
Good Decision Making Dark Amethyst Crystal
Insight Dark Amethyst Crystal
Perception Dark Amethyst Crystal
Seeing the Future Dark Amethyst Crystal

In lighter shades, the amethyst ray of vision helps us see into our souls and ourselves. The admonishment “know thyself” is profound advice.

A light amethyst crystal can be a tremendous help. It helps us see ourselves as we actually are, and it helps us understand how others see us.

When you need to understand why someone reacts to you like they do, use a light amethyst-colored crystal or gemstone to aid in the perception and understanding you seek.

Need Crystal Color
Introspection Light Amethyst Crystal
Self Enlightenment Light Amethyst Crystal
Self Esteem Light Amethyst Crystal
Self knowledge Light Amethyst Crystal
Overcome Conceit Light Amethyst Crystal


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