Learn to “paint” with the aroma and energies of essential oils and crystals in this new course
Just as any art can create environments, moods, and feeling, Crystal Aromatherapy can shape your environment, create the feelings you need, and bring Mother Nature’s bounty to your life and spirit. This self-paced, enjoyable, and unique course will help you gain the wisdom, experience, knowledge, and self-confidence to be a highly effective crystal aromatherapist. it is quite unlike any other course.
We know that typically aromatherapy classes are difficult as there are hundreds of essential oils. Learning these hundreds of oils and how each of them affects all the systems of the human body is quite a study. This class is not that at all. Crystal Aromatherapy first ensures you are working with safe oils and safe dilutions, then proceeds to deal with issues of the Spirit, not the body.

Learn to “paint” emotions and feelings into an environment with crystal and plant energy.

Combining the unique attributes and energies of crystals with those of select essential oils allows the Crystal Aromatherapist to expand the art of using crystal energy.
This works by augmenting and enhancing the crystal energy with the energies of the plant kingdom found in essential oils.

Get Your Certification Now with No Exam

This course is taught with written, illustrated guided lessons over a 9-week period. You can start at any time and take as long as you wish. You have access to the material forever.
The course has no exam. What you will discover is what works for your spirit. You will gain understanding and wisdom, but how you apply it depends on your goals and your life.
The course does have assignments. The result is a collection of projects and reference guides that form a very complete personal Crystal Aromatherapy Handbook. You will find your handbook has become a complete guide to crystal aromatherapy that will serve you well by the time you finish the course.
The course begins with two weeks of overview and familiarization. These lessons are easy to follow and give you the basics of this exciting art form.
The course continues with a unique Personal Journey. This is a 21-day exercise in which each day you work with a single specific essential oil. Your notes from this exercise form an important part of your notebook, as understanding the aromas, effects, attitudes, emotions, feelings, and images that each of these oils brings to you personally is critical.

Hands-On Learning
The next section of the course is the blending section. Here you will use the four aspects of essential oils – their traditional wisdom, their soul, their elemental energy, and your personal journey experience to create aromatherapy mixtures. There are eight guided exercises in this section that will teach the processes and art of combining both essential oils and crystal energies for almost any purpose.
The final part of the course teaches several methods for using your aromatherapy mixtures safely and effectively. Using a diffuser and making massage lotions are both covered completely.

This Course Uses 21 Essential Oils and 21 Crystal Essences
The course uses 21 essential oils and 21 crystal essences. These are popular, safe, and well-known oils and essences. If you have them in your collection, all well and good. These 21 essential oils and 21 crystal essences may well be all the essential oils and essences you need in the future. The can be mixed in millions of ways. They were selected based on safety, effectiveness, popularity, affordability, and availability. You may have your favorites, we all do. Our list is just one to start with, one that is suitable for all crystal aromatherapy applications.
Bergamot, Lemon, Patchouli, Atlas Cedarwood, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Lime, Clary Sage, Blue Gum Eucalyptus, Red Mandarin, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Sweet Marjoram, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Myrrh, Vetiver
Amethyst, Citrine, Opal, Amazonite, Emerald, Quartz, Amber, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Jade, Selenite, Blue Lace Agate Lapis Lazuli, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Larimar, Tourmaline

However, you do not need to use our selected oils and essences. If you have some favorite oils and do not want to go to the expense of buying more for this course, use what you have. The processes we teach will work with whatever essential oils and essences you have.
But if you would like to follow along and use the essential oils and essences in the charts and project files, we can help. We realize that essential oils can be expensive, so we have prepared a set of the essential oils in small vials of 2 ml each and a set of the crystal essences at 5 ml each at very special, discounted student prices.
You can find the 21 Essential Oils here and you can find the 21 Crystal Essences here.
Course Fee
The course fee is $99.
You should really consider giving this gift to yourself. Aromatherapy can be confusing, expensive, and for many, somewhat mystifying. Gain the benefits of this therapy, improve your life and spirit, and feel confident that you truly have mastered this wonderful art form.
When you have completed the exercises and your Crystal Aromatherapist Handbook is complete you can apply for your certificate as a Certified Crystal Aromatherapist. Again, there is no exam, just providing us with samples from your completed handbook is all that is required.
We look forward to working with you as you take this exciting journey.